
Beyond Imagination Emporium

About Beyond Imagination Emporium

Boutique small business Beyond Imagination Emporium is a specialist stockist of The Fairy Family, Build-a-Bear and Thumbelina Bliss. Based in Harrogate, they’re proud to make childrens’ dreams come true with their magical fairytale parties and events venue.

What the client says

“It’s difficult for small businesses at the moment but we’re really happy with bOnline’s pricing and their customer service is especially good.”

– Stef M

What we say

“Stef came to us because having been hit hard by the pandemic she wanted a low cost, high quality fibre internet connection. We are pleased to have set her up with a package to suit both her needs and budget.”

Step 1: Beyond Imagination Emporium got in touch with us because more and more of her business involved online customer contact, bookings and marketing.

Step 2: It was established that a high-speed internet connection was needed to run the Harrogate-based boutique, but cost was paramount.

Step 3: Modem was sent by bOnline the following day, giving Beyond Imagination Emporium Fibre 76MB.

Thaabit Arend
Thaabit Arend