bOnline help Cyber Path with a more professional image and fewer missed customer calls.

Cyber Path
Est. 2000
  • £13.95 a month
  • Fraud protection
  • Video calling
  • Call recording

About Cyber Path

Cyber Path has offered professional cyber security training for 23 years, helping customers get the high quality, focussed qualifications they need.

What the client says

"I was just using my mobile phone but this didn't feel very professional and I kept missing calls. VoIP soon sorted that out!"
- Roy B

What we say

Roy's business was getting more and more calls and he was concerned about customers not able to get through. After working out the ideal VoIP solution for him, we're glad to have Cyber Path on board"

bOnline: The numbers

bOnline phone
calls made in 2022
UK business
customers & climbing
5-star reviews
& counting
Awards won
since 2020

Here's how we made it happen

Step 1:

Cyber Path got in touch looking for a more professional, manageable phone system for the business.

Step 2:

After sitting down to discuss the needs and challenges the business was facing, we recommended a VoIP product to suit.

Step 3:

We set everything up remotely and had Cyber Path's new VoIP system up and running in less than 24 hours.

Call flow setup

Thanks to bOnline's VoIP system we now don't worry about missed calls or looking unprofessional.

Choose your number to get started