
What is an 020 Area Code?

020 numbers are for London, including Central London and the outer London boroughs. Several areas outside Greater London also use this code while the outer parts of some London boroughs use their own area codes instead of 020 numbers.

020 numbers are charged at standard landline rates and are usually used to contact businesses and households.

London 0200 numbers and 0201 numbers

Numbers starting with 020 0 and 020 1 cannot be dialled in London without using the 020 area code and are typically aren’t used for standard households or business landlines. These numbers are used as machine-to-machine communications or for broadband and cannot receive incoming calls. These numbers are used in these circumstances to help maintain batches of London numbers for mainstream use.

However, these numbers may be used for caller display or through the 1471 service.

Did You Know You Can Get An 020 Number Even If You’re Not Based in London?

It’s simple and quick to do with a VoIP phone system from bOnline – and there’s lots of good reasons to have an 020 number too!

Why not take a look at our recent article How do I get an 020 number if I don’t live or work in London? to find out more.

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Emma Lewis
Emma Lewis